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SureCrop & Humates
SureCrop PRIME & VAM Seed treatments
- Build robust plants with enhanced root structures
- Optimise Plant Rhizosphere activity
- Access locked-up Phosphorus, nutrition & moisture
- Setup the plant’s soil carbon liquid pathway
For many farms we visit we find good P reserves in the soil, however the PBI value is high, indicating access to reserves of P are poor. The major causes of these are high calcium, high iron, high aluminium and poorly balanced soil biology.
Thus, the P your crop requires is there, in your paddock, but locked-up, so we annually apply more.

Soluble Humate Granules & Prills
- Use with Granular fertilisers such as MAP to improve fertiliser efficiency / reduce lockups
- Powerful chelators, chemically bonding with nutrition to assist plant uptake.
- Stimulate beneficial soil biology and support the rebuilding of beneficial soil fungi.
- These humus compounds, in our low- carbon soils, perform the function of humus, which is key to plant health and soil moisture holding.
- Open up the plant, liquid carbon pathway, assisting soil carbon storage of plant sequestered atmospheric CO2.

Setting up your plant with an optimum “rhizosphere” – that’s the zone directly around the plant roots, with a microbially diverse environment and biology stimulants. Is key to cutting through the soil chemical P lock-ups and harnessing the ability of biology to scavenge and solubilise P and other locked up nutrients.
LawrieCo’s SureCrop VAM & SureCrop PRIME seed treatments are powerful Biostimulants; used to nurture your existing soil biology reserves, also topping up the rhizosphere with specific beneficial biology: Trichoderma, bacillus and in SureCrop VAM – mycorrhiza.
Vesicular-Arbuscular Mychorrizal (VAM) Fungi are naturally occurring fungi that form a beneficial association with plant roots enhancing the plant’s mineral absorption and access to moisture. VAM can increase access to nutrients (P in particular) and moisture from 100 to 1000 times.
Seed treated with mychorrizal fungi colonise on the root hairs and permeate deep into the soil structure seeking out moisture and nutrients. Mycorrhizal fungi are naturally occurring fungi that form filaments extending extensively beyond root structure, and access nutrients and moisture that roots alone cannot, specifically phosphorous and zinc.

SureCrop VAM is applied at 10L/T of seed to cereal crops, 6-10 L/ T of seed on Legumes, up to 40L/T on pasture seed, 5 L/Tonne on Potatoes, and 40 L/T in onions.
Use SureCrop PRIME at 10L/T of seed on non- Mycorrhizal crops such as canola and in situations where high levels of endemic Mycorrhizal fungi is already present.
Want more information or a call back from one of our LawrieCo area managers? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
BioComplete & Guano
BioMAX BioComplete
Balanced Guano, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Humic Compound Granule. Sustained release of Phosphorus,ensures plant availability throughout the growing season.
Calcium and silicon build cell strength for improved plant health, produce quality and natural response to pest and disease pressure.
Silica in combination with phosphorus will improve plants uptake of phosphorus.
Humic also has pH buffering capacity and can reduce nutrient lock-ups associated with soil pH extremes.
Retain and promote building of soil carbon with Humic.
Guano is a natural biostimulant and will promote beneficial soil biological processes and plant root and soil interactions.
Humic is a fungal stimulant. Beneficial fungi are the missing biological link in many agricultural soils.
Suitable for air-seeder application.

Essential Plant Nutrients with Easy Application
High in phosphorus with calcium, silica and boron as well as many other trace minerals, Guano provides highly plant available nutrients, ensuring plant growth and productivity. Humic is a natural chelator and complexing agent, further increasing nutrient absorption. Optimal delivery is made possible through an easy to apply granule.
BioMAX Guano Granules
Calcium and silicon build cell strength for improved plant health, produce quality and natural response to pest and disease pressure.
Silica in combination with phosphorus will improve plants uptake of phosphorus.
Guano is a natural biostimulant and will promote beneficial soil biological processes and plant root and soil interactions.
Can be blended with traditional granular fertilisers.
Suitable for air-seeder application.

Natural Biostimulant
Guano provides nutrient density to plants that is highly plant available, ensuring plant growth and productivity results. High in phosphorus with calcium, silica and boron as well as many other trace minerals. Optimal delivery of this nutrient combination is made possible through a simple easy to apply granule.
Promoting mineral uptake, rumen health for improved feed utilisation
- Ideal for improving livestock condition, weight gains and feed utilisation.
- Balanced minerals including calcium with fulvic, kelp, molasses and amino acids.
- Fulvic is a powerful natural electrolyte; minerals from feed are more available and readily absorbable.
Balanced combination of minerals including calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, amino acids and trace elements. Fulvic is nature’s most powerful electrolyte enhancing the availability of nutrients.
Amino acids have roles in protein synthesis, hormone release, immune response, feed conversion, nitrogen balance in tissues and energy production.
Trace elements have roles in lactation, reproduction, metabolism, thyroid function (iodine), bone/tissue development and maintaining hair, skin and hooves. Non-toxic forumulation, uses a natural binding agent and no urea.

Offers & Information
LawrieCo 6 Steps
LawrieCo’s Soil Carbon Regeneration System Incorporates biological applied science and regenerative bio fertilisers. It’s the science that makes building soil carbon possible.
LawrieCo’s passion for rebuilding soil carbon dates back to prior to the formation of LawrieCo as a company. Back to the days when the ‘R&D’ to farm sustainably and to build fertility happened on Adrian Lawrie’s broadacre cropping property on the edge of the Flinders Ranges. At this early stage the key drivers for rebuilding soil carbon were its value in building fertility, water-use efficiency and it’s link to improved farm gross margins.
Our 22+ years of Research and Product Development has culminated in a suite of products that support soil carbon regeneration whilst maintaining / boosting the productivity of your enterprise.
Our carbon crediting program is world class connecting growers with rigorous the Federal Government Emission Reduction Fund, ensuring the viability of credits issued.

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