HumiPLEX Mang Zinc Copper
ZMC – Zinc, Manganese and Copper PLUS Fulvic Chelate and biostimulantsZinc 60g/L (6%), Manganese 80g/L (8%), Copper 20g/L (2%) and Fulvic 16g/L (1.6%)
PLUS Strong Fulvic Chelate Fulvic is a powerful natural chelator improving the delivery and efficacy of foliar applied nutrients. It chelates by forming multiple strong bonds with trace elements and its low molecular weight facilitates the direct uptake of nutrients across the plant leaf membrane with reduced risk of leaf burn. |
Typical Analysis
| Make Every Drop CountNutrient components of liquid fertilisers account for 45-60% of total volume. Normally most of the remaining volume is just water to solubolise the minerals within. Links & Downloads |
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