Trials & Technical
Continuous Improvement
We look for continual improvement and innovation in our product offering and service to farms we work with.
All of our products are a result of extensive research and development, with more than 20 years of successful results across Australia.
Our research partners have included Brown Coal Innovation Australia, Peracto, SoilsForLife an Outcomes Australia Project, Kalyx, Lucerne Australia, Jolpac Rural Supplies, PIRSA, DPI Vic and regional agronomists.

2020 Almond Trial, Piangil, Victoria – Nutrition program builds Soil Carbon & Boosts Almond Yield
2020 Barley Trial, Mid North SA – Yield Increase with BioMAX Humate Prill
2020 Faba Bean Trial, Maitland SA – Yield Increase with PhosCal
2018 Nutrition in Citrus, Waikerie SA – Increase Fruit Size Distribution and Returns
2017 Faba Bean Trial, Bordertown SA – Yield Increase with PhosCal
2013 Nitrogen Efficiency in Wheat, Tarlee SA – Yield and Grain Quality improvement with Soluble Humate
2010 Flagship Barley Trial, DPI Horsham Vic – Highest Return on Nutrient Investment
Biological Pasture Trials – Hillcrest Pastoral LawrieCo, 2012
The Atze Trial Model – A Practical Paddock Scale Trial Method developed by Barry and Tim Atze, Pinnaroo, SA, 2009
Outstanding Soil Carbon Gains Shepparton VIC
Cropping: Enhancing Soil Health, Yield and Profits Birchip VIC
Win for onion, soil & farmer health, Dolling Produce, Limestone Coast SA
Regenerative Farmers Save on In-Crop Nitrogen Costs, Horsham VIC
Greener grass awith more resilience, 2018 Soccer Oval Transformation, St Columba College and Green-Eden, Adelaide SA
Transforming waterlogged soil and stubble management at Briandra, A SoilsForLife Case Study, Lismore Vic
Biostimulants: What’s behind the name? Excerpt from New Ag International journal, Nov/Dec 2012
Living Soil Better Soil – A Better Soils Roadshow. Emma Leonard, Jon Lamb Communications (Editors). Agricultural Bureau of South Australia, 2000
Cropping: Nutrient Availability. Mycorrhizal fungi enhances crop nutrient uptake. Megan Ryan. Farming Ahead. No 120, Dec 2001
Glomalin: Hiding Place for a Third of the World’s Stored Soil Carbon. USDA Research
Organic Matter, Humus, Humate, Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid, and Humin Dr Robert E. Petit, Emeritus Associate Professor, Texas A&M University.
Humic Acid Substances in Animal Agriculture K.M.S. Islam, A. Schuhumacher and J.M. Gropp, Institute of Animal Nutrition, University of Leipzig, Germany, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 4 (3): 126-134, 2005
Effect of Potassium Humates on Soil Fertility. Albert Imbufe, Dr Antonio Patti, Dr Aravind Surapaneni and Prof Roy Jackson. Monash University. s.l.: Centre for Green Chemistry. Annnual Report. 2005
All About Humates. BV Levinsky. Article from Russia. 2002
Effects of Humic Substances on Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrients Uptake of Wheat (Triticum durum cv. Salih li) Under Conditions of Salinity. BB Asik, MA Tuan, H Celik & AV Katkat. Uldag University, 16059, Bursa, Turkey: Dept of Soil Science & Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Ag. Asian Journal of Crop Science 1 (2): 87-95, 2009
The Effects of Humates on Remediation of Hydrocarbon and Salt Contaminated Soils. Randy Mosley. 5th International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Oct 20th-23rd, 1998
Beneficial Effects of Humic Substances on Soil Fertility to Fertigated Potato Grown on Sandy Soil. EM Selim, AS El-Neklawy and Soad M El-Ashry. National Ressearch Centre (NRC), Dokke 12622, Giza, Egypt: Soils and Water Use Dept. Libyan Agricuture Research Center Journal International 1 (4): 255-262, 2010
The Effect of Foliar Application of Fulvic Acid on Water Use, Nutrient Uptake and Yield in Wheat. Xu Xudan. Henan Research Institute of Biology, Administration Region, Zheng-Zhou Henan Province, China. Aust. J. Agric. Res., 1986, 37, 343-50
The Myth of Nitrogen Fertilization for Soil Carbon Sequestration. SA Khan, *RL Mulvaney, TR Ellsworth & CW Boast. University of Illinois: Technical Reports: Plant & Environment Interactions. Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol 36, Nov-Dec 2007, 1821-1832
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