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The BioGraze Advantage compared
to Single Super Phosphate (SSP)

A mix of soluble phosphorus for a quick response and slow-release phosphorus for sustained pasture growth. Plus calcium, sulfur and trace elements essential essential stock health, soil fertility and balanced pasture growth.

The nutrient uptake technology will maximise return on your investment. The advanced technology in BioGraze is based on the bonding capability of humic which delivers improved phosphorus availablity, reducing P lock-up.

Contact your local LawrieCo Area Manager for more information on our stubble digest programs and for tailored advice and programs to maximise returns from your stubble.

Three Year Pasture Trial at Avenue Range SA

      • On-farm trial shows benefit of biological fertiliser with increased production in short and long term

      • Biological paddock had more friable soils with faster water infiltration rates

      • Higher-quality pastures support higher stocking rates with more grazing days

      • Over 3 years the biological paddock had increased grazing days with an average DSE 132,333.3 and Conventional DSE 131,149.3.

      • The conventional paddock was 10ha larger; over three years the biological paddock had a higher average DSE on 10 less hectares.

      • Weight Gains Graph: Cattle entered paddocks within a 5kg starting range, they were run at 17 DSE for 53 days and weight gains recorded.

Want more information or a call back from one of our LawrieCo area managers? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly. 

"Humic acid neutralizes acidic and alkaline soils; regulates pH-value of soils, increasing their buffering abilities; and has extremely high cation-exchange properties."

Egremont Pastoral Co. Lucindale SA

“When there is a significant rainfall it soaks in more quickly and in the dry months pasture stays green for longer, extending our growing season.”

The pastures and Lucerne have better resilience to red legged earth mite and grasshoppers. The insects are present in the dry matter on the ground but the pastures are not being affected.

Soil analyses show the past trend toward acidic soils is reversing. Five years ago soil pH was below ideal, from 4.7 – 5.9; recently soil pH results were closer to the ideal range from 5.3 – 6.9.

There has also been a increasing trend in soil organic carbon levels, which aligns with farm benefits to water efficiency and extended growing season.

What is Humic?

Part of the organic carbon in soil; Humic is also called ‘Active Carbon’. Humic Acid has become a common input in fertiliser programs.

Like phosphorus, nitrogen and other essential nutrients that are applied when growing crops and plants, Humic Acid (and organic carbon) has depleted in most agricultural soils and can be a real limiting factor to productivity.

This is why we see returns on farm when Humic Acid is added to enhance fertiliser applications, a combination which BioGraze delivers.

These 3 functions of Humic Acid are key to its efficacy:

  • High nurient holding capacity with a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) of 300-500; CEC is a measure of nutrient bonding ability. So more nutrients and fertiliser are held plant available resulting in higher fertiliser efficacy and Return on Nutrient Investment.

  • Promote beneficial microbial life which build soil aggregate stability; improving soil structure and its ability to hold nutrients and water.

  • Increase soil water holding capacity. Humic Acids have been shown to increase available water capacity by 30-50%.

LawrieCo 6 Steps

LawrieCo’s Soil Carbon Regeneration System Incorporates biological applied science and regenerative bio fertilisers. It’s the science that makes building soil carbon possible.

LawrieCo’s passion for rebuilding soil carbon dates back to prior to the formation of LawrieCo as a company. Back to the days when the ‘R&D’ to farm sustainably and to build fertility happened on Adrian Lawrie’s broadacre cropping property on the edge of the Flinders Ranges. At this early stage the key drivers for rebuilding soil carbon were its value in building fertility, water-use efficiency and it’s link to improved farm gross margins.

Our 22+ years of Research and Product Development has culminated in a suite of products that support soil carbon regeneration whilst maintaining / boosting the productivity of your enterprise.

Our carbon crediting program is world class connecting growers with rigorous the Federal Government Emission Reduction Fund, ensuring the viability of credits issued.

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47 Naweena Road,Regency Park SA 5010
Telephone 08 8260 1134