Turn stubble into compost
Ensure maximum carbon and nutrients are
returned to your soil post harvest. Talk to your local Area Manager today.
(08) 8260 1134 |
Why use LawrieCo Digest on crop stubble?
Convert valuable stubble nutrient into plant available for next crop – ie. Nitrogen. Plant available nutrients contribute to yield outcomes of following crops. Reduce stubble oxidisation and loss of nutrients.
Retain moisture, keep soil covered, reduce paddock “blowing” (erosion)
Build soil health, convert stubble carbon into soil carbon – rather than letting oxidise into atmosphere. Suppress disease, with healthy populations of soil fungi.
How to use Digest
Flatten stubble, use a roller, prickle chain, mulcher or very shallow disc. As soon after harvest as possible.
Boom spray “Digest Ready and Digest Kicker” while there is some moisture around,
recent rain, heavy dew, or light irrigation if possible.
What is it?
The LawrieCo Stubble Digest comes as two parts, a fungal inoculum “Digest Ready” and “Digest Kicker” an in-field activator and food source.
The fungal species used in LawrieCo’s residue management program are hardy and
selected from Australian soils to match our tough Australian conditions. Fungi is
selected as the optimum converter of carbon back to soils. Bacterial conversion is only 1/3 as effective.
Digest Kicker acts as a potent Digest Ready stimulant and food source for fungi and other digestion microbes.
Digest Ready, is a live inoculum of Australian Fungi, it is made to order and has a shelf life of 45 days.
Utilising specific fungi species speeds up the breakdown process. Fungi act by breaking down the cellulose component so stubble becomes brittle, enabling easy handling with seeding machinery.
Fungi are more efficient at breaking down stubble and cellulose than soil bacteria. This efficiency is due to fungi requiring less nitrogen to break down the carbon in stubble and means more nutrients and carbon are returned to the soil rather than lost to the atmosphere.
Tillage removes the nutrient laden residues from the field that leaves the soil vulnerable to erosion and other conventional options that remove field stubble can’t offer a supportive plan for healthy crops and sustainable soil stewardship. Controlled burns create an environmental disaster on air quality, since smoke from burning stubble contributes to increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
Instead, soil activity as the result of an application of LawrieCo BioMax Digest Ready and Kicker makes both nutrient and water use more efficient. Soil microbes are essential to restore carbon, improve water efficiency and improve nutrient holding capacity of the soil.
Without a sustaining soil microbiome, organic matter can’t be broken down into useable nutrients and the soil becomes congested with too much undigested organic matter.
Undigested organic matter can also tie up valuable nutrients. BioMax Digest Ready restores the soil with microbes and fungi, chosen specifically by our LawrieCo Bio-Chemists for their to Australian soils and resistance to drought, that convert and recycle nutrients tied up in stubble to make them available for the next crop. The conversion of stubble to humus aerates the soil, improves soil quality, and improves water penetration and holding.
Contact your local LawrieCo Area Manager for more information on our stubble digest programs and for tailored advice and programs to maximise returns from your stubble.
- Aids sequestration of carbon from stubbles and plant waste, improving moisture and nutrient retention, soil fertility, tilth, and workability.
- Improves sequestration of nutrients within the stubble, particularly nitrogen.
- Eliminates the need for stubble burning.
- Reduces carry-over of soil-borne pathogens.
- Degrades a wide array of plant cellulose, lignin and related polymers.
- Builds Humus, enhancing the response time of mineral fertilisers like lime, dolomite and rock phosphates.
Want more information or a call back from one of our LawrieCo area managers? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
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LawrieCo 6 Steps
LawrieCo’s Soil Carbon Regeneration System Incorporates biological applied science and regenerative bio fertilisers. It’s the science that makes building soil carbon possible.
LawrieCo’s passion for rebuilding soil carbon dates back to prior to the formation of LawrieCo as a company. Back to the days when the ‘R&D’ to farm sustainably and to build fertility happened on Adrian Lawrie’s broadacre cropping property on the edge of the Flinders Ranges. At this early stage the key drivers for rebuilding soil carbon were its value in building fertility, water-use efficiency and it’s link to improved farm gross margins.
Our 22+ years of Research and Product Development has culminated in a suite of products that support soil carbon regeneration whilst maintaining / boosting the productivity of your enterprise.
Our carbon crediting program is world class connecting growers with rigorous the Federal Government Emission Reduction Fund, ensuring the viability of credits issued.

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