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What is LawrieCo BioGraze?
A mix of soluble phosphorus for a quick response and slow-release phosphorus
for sustained pasture growth. Plus calcium, sulfur and trace elements essential
for stock health and balanced pasture growth.
The nutrient uptake technology will maximise return on your investment. The
advanced technology in BioGraze is based on the bonding capability of humic
which delivers improved phosphorus availablity, reducing P lock-up.
Build soil health, convert stubble carbon into soil carbon – rather than letting oxidise into atmosphere. Suppress disease, with healthy populations of soil fungi.
How to use BioGraze
BioGraze can be customised to assist soil remediation.
BioGraze CS is formulated with additional humic, calcium and sulfur.
This combination, along with the benefits of BioGraze, is designed for soil affected by high salt and/or compaction.
Talk to your local Area Manager or distributor for specific soil and pasture requirements.
What is Humic?
Humic (or humic acid) is part of soil organic carbon, it is present naturally in soils.
Healthy, productive soils have a higher humic content.
The humic in our products is an extract from lignite / brown coal and selected for high quality analysis and physical properties to ensure ease of application and consistency in the paddock.
• To maximise seasonal growth and production Biograze includes both a “quick release” and “slow release” phosphorus.
• To stimulate soil biology, Biograze includes both humic and fulvic and also contains beneficial biology.
• Biograze also includes calcium, sulphur and trace elements in combination with humic and fulvic.
• Biograze increases soil water holding capacity so pasture stays greener for longer.
Want more information or a call back from one of our LawrieCo area managers? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.
Offers & Information
LawrieCo 6 Steps
LawrieCo’s Soil Carbon Regeneration System Incorporates biological applied science and regenerative bio fertilisers. It’s the science that makes building soil carbon possible.
LawrieCo’s passion for rebuilding soil carbon dates back to prior to the formation of LawrieCo as a company. Back to the days when the ‘R&D’ to farm sustainably and to build fertility happened on Adrian Lawrie’s broadacre cropping property on the edge of the Flinders Ranges. At this early stage the key drivers for rebuilding soil carbon were its value in building fertility, water-use efficiency and it’s link to improved farm gross margins.
Our 22+ years of Research and Product Development has culminated in a suite of products that support soil carbon regeneration whilst maintaining / boosting the productivity of your enterprise.
Our carbon crediting program is world class connecting growers with rigorous the Federal Government Emission Reduction Fund, ensuring the viability of credits issued.

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