
Foliar Nutrition & Application

Foliar feeding is an economical and efficient method of fertilisation. It should not be used to replace a good soil fertility program, but it can be a remarkable yield-booster in conjunction with a well-balanced soil, and it can be an incomparable problem-solver in many situations.


It has been proven that foliar methods of application can have between 8 – 20 times more effective for uptake of applied nutrients compared to traditional uptake through root mechanisms. It is also suggested that only 10 – 30% of traditional N-P-K fertilisers are taken up by the plant, with approximately 80% of foliar fertiliser taken up comparatively.

Cereal Crop Program

Use the clickable links within the documents to find out more product info, rates and application details

Crop Establishment Products

Seed dressing and upfront granular fertiliser options


Post Emergent Liquids

High concentration zinc, manganese and copper plus a unique combination of phosphorus and calcium in NutriMAX Phoscal


Faba Bean Trial Results

Assessed the yield response to in-crop nutrition application with NutriMAX PhosCal. Demonstrated yield increase and high return on nutrient investment.


Residue Management

Return vital nutrients back to the soil, increase stock feeb benefits and improve seeder handing next season


In-Crop N Applications

Minimise leaf burn and maximise nitrogen efficiency


Seed Dressing

Introduce essential nutrients and biological inoculums to get the right start for crops


Barley Trial Results – DPI

The nutrient investment coupled with high yield resulted in the LawrieCo treatment producing the Highest Return on nutrient investment.


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