
May Newsletter 2022

Sowing season is here & end of vintage post harvest fertiliser options

Are you ready for this sowing season?

With harvest over and sowing underway, high input prices and lack of supply are constraints felt all over Australia. Prices have increased approximately 230% with urea and 170% in DAP and MAP since November 2020. Seed treatment is a frugal and effective way to setup a crop to maximise yield potential – LawrieCo’s SureCROP VAMis a proven way to grow stronger, more tolerant and productive plants, while increasing nutrient availability to plants. SureCROP VAM also promotes natural response to disease in crops during the early germination stage.

LawrieCo’s SureCROP VAM is a complete seed treatment combining all the attributes required for optimum seed germination and plant establishment. A specially formulated blend of macro and micro nutrients, living biology, bio-stimulants, plant stimulants, and organic acids that is easily applied directly onto the seed allowing the plant to access all the critical elements required to establish maximum potential.

Combined with the specially formulated base of beneficial living biology. Multiple species of bacillus and trichoderma synergise with VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mychorrizal Fungi) to maximise VAM colonisation and its benefits. An easy to use twin pack formulation ensures maximum viability and performance.

Contact your local LawrieCo area manager or head office for more information today.

SureCROP VAM trial

Vintage 2022 is done!

Another bumper vintage is over but the hard work isn’t over yet! Have you considered that applying post harvest fertiliser is arguably one of the most important and valuable times for vine nutrition.

Post-harvest fertiliser applications provide an opportunity to address any late-season nutrition issues, promote the retention of leaves for a longer period into autumn, and build up nutrient reserves for the following season. These include Foliar spraying, Fertigation and Spreading of granular fertiliser and soil conditioners. Nutrition strategies will vary between regions, and according to the time available for mobile nutrients such as N to move into the rootzone and be taken up by the vine before leaf-fall. Contact Gordon Childs, LawrieCo resident Horticultural expert for a customised program to suit your application.

Horticulture & Viticulture programs

Key dates:

· Wheat Harvested Mid Dec

· Stubble Mulched 25th Jan

· Digest Applied 10th Feb

· Canola planted 17th Apr on treated, 24th on untreated.

· Stubble / canola emergence Inspected 4th May

Who / Where

Ross, a first time Digest and Kicker user based in North Eastern Victoria, with a varied broadacre crop of wheat, corn and canola.


In mid December 2021 8t/ha of Beckham Wheat grain was harvested, and by the end of January 6t/ha of wheat stubble was mulched in paddocks both treated with and without Digest. In early February LawrieCo’s Digest Ready + Kicker applied at 30 + 6 L/ha onto the majority of paddocks (with a small control area left untreated) of wheat stubble.

On the 17th of April the Digest treated stubble area was planted with canola, the result allowing the machinery to easily plant into the now brittle stubble. The control area was planted with canola on the 24th of April into the untreated stubble. At planting multiple machinery blockages occurred. This resulted in the canola not being able to be sown at night and sowing had to be resumed during daylight.

Find out more – Digest

Inspections were carried out 4th of May in the Digest treated areas and showed the soil had opened up, while visually it was also noticeably holding significantly more moisture compared to the untreated stubble. The treated stubble is brittle to the touch, while the fungi was also visually present in some areas. The canola planted into the digest treated area has displayed more vigour and vitality.

Left photo – untreated, Right photo – Digest Treated Stubble.


LawrieCo’s Digest ready includes Trichoderma species that are cellulose digesters that are “endemic” (naturally found in Australian soils). Digest Kicker includes a mix of nutrition and biological stimulants to ensure when the Digest Fungi are sprayed on crop residues conditions and food sources for them to survive and proliferate.

Reintroducing Digest Fungi to residues, significantly supports building Soil Organic Carbon. It is an innovative, cost effective way of increasing beneficial microbial populations in the soil profile leading to increased nutrient exchange and utilisation.

Yields following a Digest treated crop have often shown to improve, this is due to improved conversion of carbon and nitrogen to plant available form, suitable for use in the next crop rotation. And the removal of stubble causing “nitrogen draw-down”.

For soil carbon building, the LawrieCo digest program is key. It takes advantage of an available carbon resource and aids in its conversion to SOIL carbon. Under normal conditions the stubble carbon is oxidised and released to the atmosphere. The digest program also helps to support a healthy soil microbe life. Rebuilding the beneficial fungi supports an optimum open soil structure, allowing for moisture retention and beneficial aerobic bacterial.

Interested in your own soil carbon project?

Welcome to LawrieCo, the leaders in Australian soil biology and health, with widespread examples of how improved soil health can build productivity and soil organic carbon in agriculture. LawrieCo offer a unique end-to-end solution for growers wishing to obtain a second income stream / obtain carbon credits with a Soil Carbon Project on their for Broadacre Cropping, Grazing and Horticultural farms.

Our End-To End Carbon Farming Solution:

Contact us or your local area manager today for more information on how to begin your own soil carbon project, or to have LawrieCo come to your district and host a Carbon Night.

Sign up for a Carbon Project
Download your copy of the LawrieCo Carbon Overview

You may have noticed a few new changes…

You may have noticed our brand new look and website!After many weeks of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch of our new website for 2022. The new website is now available and the URL is https://lawrieco.com.au (or click the link above).

The new website is easier to navigate and gives instant access to information about us, our products, services, trials, testimonials and other valuable resources.

We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, articles, blogs, newsletters, and company. Keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming training modules launching in the later part of the year.

We hope you find the new website, with a fresh look, easy to access information and we also wish to establish this portal as a useful source of information for those who visit our site.

For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please contact us.

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2 Responses

  1. Hi there, I just finished reading your post, and I have to say it’s really insightful! You’ve covered some key points that many people often overlook. I especially appreciated the way you explainedthis article. It’s something I can definitely relate to and I think it will benefit a lot of readers. I also wanted to add that I’ve been exploring a similar topic over at my website, where I discuss [mention something relevant to the post but related to your content]. It’s interesting to see how our ideas align in some areas, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks again for sharing such valuable information. Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi there, I just finished reading your post, and I have to say it’s really insightful! You’ve covered some key points that many people often overlook. I especially appreciated the way you explainedthis article. It’s something I can definitely relate to and I think it will benefit a lot of readers. I also wanted to add that I’ve been exploring a similar topic over at my website, where I discuss [mention something relevant to the post but related to your content]. It’s interesting to see how our ideas align in some areas, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks again for sharing such valuable information. Keep up the great work!

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